Any proposals for Google Summer of code 2019, more particularly focused towards OpenCV-GStreamer ?

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Any proposals for Google Summer of code 2019, more particularly focused towards OpenCV-GStreamer ?


I am a few months short from finishing up my Masters, and am interested to
participate in  GSoC-19, provided I do not land up a more interesting job
;). I have been working with GStreamer for the past 6 months, and I was
wondering if there are any proposals for the GSoC-19 from GStreamer
community. I want to learn OpenCV, and hence I feel this might be an
interesting opportunity to get a hands-on practical experience and also
submit a meaningful contribution to the OpenCV/GStreamer community.

I could find some topics for GStreamer, for the year GSoC-2015 , but don't
see anything in the later years.
So, I am writing this post to open up the discussion for GSoC-19 and bring
forward some really cool ideas.

I look forward for some suggestions.


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