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Bulding the SDK using cerbero

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Bulding the SDK using cerbero

23 posts
I tried building the Gstreamer sdk wusing the cerbero build system as described on the homepage. But this gives me no files that I can use with VS2010 or VS2005. The provides VS8/vcproj files are very out-of date. I tried the vsintegration.recipe package, but this only creates the .props files. Is there any way to get gstreamer compiles on Windows usign cerbero?


Hella Aglaia Mobile Vision GmbH
Steffen Roeber
Firmware & Tools
Treskowstr. 14, D-13089 Berlin
Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg HRB 66976 B
Geschäftsführer: Kay Talmi

Fon:  +49 30 200 04 29– 412
Fax:  +49 30 200 04 29– 109
Mail: [hidden email]


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Re: Bulding the SDK using cerbero

Sebastian Dröge-7
236 posts
On Mo, 2012-12-10 at 13:38 +0100, [hidden email] wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried building the Gstreamer sdk wusing the cerbero build system as
> described on the homepage. But this gives me no files that I can use
> with VS2010 or VS2005. The provides VS8/vcproj files are very out-of
> date. I tried the vsintegration.recipe package, but this only creates
> the .props files. Is there any way to get gstreamer compiles on
> Windows usign cerbero?

Hi Steffen,

cerbero is always using mingw for compilation (except for the directshow
plugins). The props files that are created are for using these binaries
from VS to create applications.

Please see the Windows specific documentation on docs.gstreamer.com

gstreamer-devel mailing list
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Antwort: Re: Bulding the SDK using cerbero

23 posts
Ok. Thank you.
Another question. Do cerbero builds also support gstreamer 1.0 versions?

Hella Aglaia Mobile Vision GmbH
Steffen Roeber
Firmware & Tools
Treskowstr. 14, D-13089 Berlin
Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg HRB 66976 B
Geschäftsführer: Kay Talmi

Fon:  +49 30 200 04 29– 412
Fax:  +49 30 200 04 29– 109
Mail: [hidden email]


Dieses Dokument ist vertraulich zu behandeln. Die Weitergabe sowie Vervielfältigung, Verwertung und Mitteilung seines Inhalts ist nur mit unserer ausdrücklichen Genehmigung gestattet. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, insbesondere für den Fall der Schutzrechtsanmeldung.
This document has to be treated confidentially. Its contents are not to be passed on, duplicated, exploited or disclosed without our express permission. All rights reserved, especially the right to apply for protective rights.

Sebastian Dröge/

Gesendet von: gstreamer-devel-bounces+steffen.roeber=[hidden email]

10.12.2012 13:50

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Re: Bulding the SDK using cerbero

On Mo, 2012-12-10 at 13:38 +0100, [hidden email] wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried building the Gstreamer sdk wusing the cerbero build system as
> described on the homepage. But this gives me no files that I can use
> with VS2010 or VS2005. The provides VS8/vcproj files are very out-of
> date. I tried the vsintegration.recipe package, but this only creates
> the .props files. Is there any way to get gstreamer compiles on
> Windows usign cerbero?

Hi Steffen,

cerbero is always using mingw for compilation (except for the directshow
plugins). The props files that are created are for using these binaries
from VS to create applications.

Please see the Windows specific documentation on docs.gstreamer.com
gstreamer-devel mailing list
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Re: Antwort: Re: Bulding the SDK using cerbero

Sebastian Dröge-7
236 posts
On Mo, 2012-12-10 at 15:17 +0100, [hidden email] wrote:
> Ok. Thank you.
> Another question. Do cerbero builds also support gstreamer 1.0
> versions?

Yes but that's not complete yet. There are 1.0 recipes available but
that's not completely integrated into the packaging process yet.

Shouldn't take too much time to do that though, feel free to ask me if
you need help.

gstreamer-devel mailing list
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