C/C++ Example for Input-Selector

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C/C++ Example for Input-Selector

Hello all,

I have two sources that are pulling video data from capture cards.  At any given time one of these sources is the "main" source and is writing to a file.  On user input the other source can become the "main" source and should also write to the same file.  From reading it seems that the easiest way to do this is to connect both sources to an input-selector and just choose which one is currently writing to the file.

I have tried creating this pipeline without much luck, and I was wondering if anyone could point me to a C\C++ example of how to do this correctly.  All I have been able to find are python examples on this forum.  I am sure the problems is because I am using the block/switch signals incorrectly, so just a small example of how to use these signals correctly would be a great help.
