Continuous Integration on Windows

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Continuous Integration on Windows

Lesław Miłosz Pawlaczyk
Hello All,

Would it be possible to share daily log file from CI server running Visual Studio or MinGw GStreamer builds? I am trying to compile GStreamer on Windows but I am struggling. I tried everything so far based on what is available on the internet regarding this topic. I think my machine config is probably not up to scratch. So having detailed logs from a sample daily build from GStreamer would be extremely helpful.

Kind Regards

gstreamer-devel mailing list
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Re: Continuous Integration on Windows

Nicolas Dufresne-5

Le mer. 8 avr. 2020 18 h 15, Lesław Miłosz Pawlaczyk <[hidden email]> a écrit :
Hello All,

Would it be possible to share daily log file from CI server running Visual Studio or MinGw GStreamer builds? I am trying to compile GStreamer on Windows but I am struggling. I tried everything so far based on what is available on the internet regarding this topic. I think my machine config is probably not up to scratch. So having detailed logs from a sample daily build from GStreamer would be extremely helpful.

All the CI logs and a scripts are publicly available through gitlab. We don't do periodic builds, instead we run CI pipeline for merge request. Visite any projects, and look for merge requests, each merge request will have a CI pipeline link, you can browse everything in there. You can find all scripts in gst-ci repository.

Kind Regards
gstreamer-devel mailing list
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