Docker deployment for Gstreamer 1.17

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Docker deployment for Gstreamer 1.17

Hello Everyone,

I wrote a small software depending on Gstreamer and ROS. I use srtserversink
and srtclientsrc in my app. Now I'm attempting to containerize my app using
docker. unfortunately, I'm a newbie to docker so please excuse my stupid
questions if they are.
is there some way to deploy my image based on both of them?
is there a docker image that has both of those things to use directly?
how to deploy a docker image that has both? should I use ROS as base and
build gstreamer 1.17 for example over it?
I tried the third option but building the whole gstreamer is hard and the
result is a huge image (although it was broken) so if this is the only
How to know which libraries and dependencies should I include in my image to
reduce the size?

Thanks in advance

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Re: Docker deployment for Gstreamer 1.17

Matteo Valdina
I will try to start from a ROS image and incorporate via an installer or COPY a working instance to the image. 

For example here I use a dockerfile for creating a build environment

If there is no installer/package probably i will go for building outside the image and copy inside the docker via COPY or ADD


On Wed, Jun 3, 2020, 10:36 jahn <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hello Everyone,

I wrote a small software depending on Gstreamer and ROS. I use srtserversink
and srtclientsrc in my app. Now I'm attempting to containerize my app using
docker. unfortunately, I'm a newbie to docker so please excuse my stupid
questions if they are.
is there some way to deploy my image based on both of them?
is there a docker image that has both of those things to use directly?
how to deploy a docker image that has both? should I use ROS as base and
build gstreamer 1.17 for example over it?
I tried the third option but building the whole gstreamer is hard and the
result is a huge image (although it was broken) so if this is the only
How to know which libraries and dependencies should I include in my image to
reduce the size?

Thanks in advance

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