Dynamic transcoding pipeline

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Dynamic transcoding pipeline

GStreamer-devel mailing list

I have several uridecodebin elements connected to an audiomixer and compositor and encoded to mp4. I'm trying to pause the pipeline after predefined times, replace some of the uridecodebin elements and resume the pipeline.

For example:
1. Create a pipeline with uridecodebin1 (video1.mp4) and uridecodebin2 (video2.mp4).
1. Play/seek the pipeline and encode to a file for 10 seconds.
2. Pause the pipeline.
3. Replace uridecodebin2 with uridecodebin3 (video3.mp4).
4. Play/seek the pipeline for 30 seconds.
5. Pause the pipeline.
6. Replace, Pause, Play/seek...

I don't think I can use ges because I'll need to remove and add the same file multiple times. With full control of the pipeline I'll be able to optimize for such a case.

What can I use for this?
Should I use seek or blocking probes?
Should I seek the pipeline or each one of the uridecodebin elements?

A simplified version of the pipeline with one uridecodebin element:
uridecodebin uri=file:///input.mp4 name=decoder ! audioconver ! audioresample ! audiomixer ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! voaacenc ! aacparse ! mp4mux name=muxer ! filesink location=file:///output.mp4
decoder. ! videoconvert ! compositor ! videoconvert ! x264enc ! h264parse ! muxer.



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Re: Dynamic transcoding pipeline

GStreamer-devel mailing list
Take a look at the interpipesink/src from RidgeRun.

I'm trying to use them for something kind of similar (instead of using a
compositor or input-selector).
My use case is for video and switching between live sources and files for

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