Dynamically add to tee a new video sink results in 1 fps image on that video sink

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Dynamically add to tee a new video sink results in 1 fps image on that video sink

Maksim Danilov
Good afternoon.
I have pipeline that capture image from webcam and output it on d3d surface. I dynamically attach new video sink (for example another d3d surface) and get my image at ~1 fps. I only have this type of problem with dynamic pipelines. Maybe I should send gst_event_new_segment when add to tee? If that the case so how can I make it right?
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Re: Dynamically add to tee a new video sink results in 1 fps image on that video sink

If you have multiple sinks attached to the tee element, then it's for the best to have all their async property set to false.

If you have only that one sink and still have 1 fps, try replacing the sink with a fakesink and check the fps via a data probe.

If you still haven't figured it out by now, Run the pipeline via CLI and set the environment variable GST_DEBUG_DUMP_DOT_DIR to a valid local path. You will see some .dot graphs appears whenever the pipeline changes its state. From the graphs you will be able to see the various properties set on every element you have.