Equalizer band range

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Equalizer band range

Yogesh Marwaha

Can someone please tell me why the gain for frequency bands in
equalizer-10bands plugin range from -24dB to 12 dB? Why is it not
-24dB to 24 dB or -12dB to 12dB or so (i.e. at par from 0)?

Thanking you in anticipation,

Yogesh M

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Re: Equalizer band range

Stefan Sauer
Yogesh Marwaha schrieb:
> Greetings,
> Can someone please tell me why the gain for frequency bands in
> equalizer-10bands plugin range from -24dB to 12 dB? Why is it not
> -24dB to 24 dB or -12dB to 12dB or so (i.e. at par from 0)?
> Thanking you in anticipation,

because its logarithmic. +12bd is already quite a boost. -24 because its useful
and safe to make a band much quieter that the others.


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