Freeing ice-candidate

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Freeing ice-candidate

Hello all.

I have my own signaling server implementation and I'm using webrtbin as a client.
I was able to make it work, but I've faced with an issue: when does the 'candidate' from g_signal_emit_by_name (webrtc1, "add-ice-candidate", sdpmlineindex, candidate);
the signal can be freed?
As it is my own signaling, I'm allocating new memory on the candidate receiving. But if I put free right after signal emits, I see that sometimes, it looks like that free happens quicker that signal being processed - I run intro segfault in the middle for ice exchanging. 
I'm wondering if I'll put free into the on_ice_candidate_callback - will I get the same candidate's memory inside it, or it'll be strdupped inside webrctbin?
So, can someone advise, how I can be ensured, that candidate processed and can be freed?

Thank you in advance,
Best regards,

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