The GStreamer project is pleased to announce that our migration to
GitLab is now complete.
We're now open for business at thanks to Edward Hervey, Matthew Waters, Daniel Stone, and
everyone else involved!
What was done?
Bugs, feature requests and patches were migrated from to
Git repositories were moved from to The old git repositories remain accessible for
anonymous git access, so this only affects GStreamer developers.
Where do I file bugs and feature requests now?
Please open a new "Issue" for the most appropriate project/repository
on do I submit patches now?
You no longer have to attach patch files to bugs. We now use a GitHub-
like workflow, so please submit a "Merge Request" (MR) for the
repository in question on shall I do with patches that were migrated from bugzilla?
If you have pending patches that were migrated from Bugzilla, it would
be great if you could resubmit those as a Merge Request in GitLab,
ideally mentioning the corresponding Issue number in the commit
message. Thanks!
How can I now track all GStreamer activity in GitLab?
The gstreamer-bugs mailing list is no longer updated, so if you would
like to track all GStreamer activity in GitLab you need to do this by
watching the GStreamer group in GitLab.
There's a notification drop-down box on right in the middle below the
group description.
You can also check recent activity at your leisure via can I find more information or ask questions?
We have updated our documentation at the new GitLab workflows. Let us know if anything is missing or
should be explained better!
If you have any questions you can always pop into our IRC channel
#gstreamer on the FreeNode IRC network.
gstreamer-devel mailing list
[hidden email]