Gnonlin. Example of video and sound mix with seek and query

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Gnonlin. Example of video and sound mix with seek and query

Nicolas Bertrand-4
I spent some time to write a python script based on gnonlin.
This script play 2 videos sequentially and play an audio track at the
same time.
The overall video duration id displayed in a scale bar. It is also
possible to seek on the scale bar.

I have a litle hard time to write it. Mainly on gnonlin and understand
that a gnl composition is needed for each type of stream. So far, I
don't find another way to do that. Its look like gnonlin feet perfectly
for that kind of function. After hating gnonlin these past 2 days, I
think I'm loving it now ;-)

So if it can be useful for anybody. I attached the script to this mail

The goal of this function is to add a very simple timeline to luciole, a
stop-motion tool. The timeline is used to plays the taken snapshot with
a sound file. Add allow also seek on the timeline


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