[Gstreamer 1.16] Decryption failing while streaming RTSP over HTTPS

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[Gstreamer 1.16] Decryption failing while streaming RTSP over HTTPS

GStreamer-devel mailing list
In Gstreamer 1.16.2 when streaming RTSP tunneled over HTTPS I see the
pipeline stopping after some time (often several hours) with the error:
default gstrtspconnection.c:1475:read_bytes: Error reading data from TLS
socket: Decryption h
as failed.

The pipeline:
GST_DEBUG=5 gst-launch-1.0 -v rtspsrc debug=true
location=rtspsh://admin1:Admin\!123@ !

The pipeline does not stop when the do-rtsp-keep-alive=false flag is
included in the pipeline.

The issue also isn't re-creatable in gstreamer 1.18.4.

Has anyone encountered this? Does anyone know what could have fixed this in

End of the gstreamer debug log attached:

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