Gstreamer RTSP Server program fails with "failed to create element 'rtpbin' error

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Gstreamer RTSP Server program fails with "failed to create element 'rtpbin' error




I hope this is the correct email to ask for technical support.


I am working on Windows 10 (64 bit), trying to create a Gstreamer Server program:

- that takes an .mp4 video file stored in the PC as input

- creates a URL address in the form of:  rtsp://<IpAddress>:<PortNo>/test

- so that a client application such as VLC, can use the above URL address to play the video.



The Server builds successfully but it fails with the error: "failed to create element 'rtpbin', check your installation" when I attempt to connect VLC to it.

Please, I would appreciate your help on how to solve the mentioned problem.


Best regards,



+82 1077 25 3268




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RE: Gstreamer RTSP Server program fails with "failed to create element 'rtpbin' error


This it the source code.

gstreamer-devel mailing list
[hidden email]

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