How can I install gstreamer plugins on Microsoft Windows 8.1?

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How can I install gstreamer plugins on Microsoft Windows 8.1?

Giacomo D
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Re: How can I install gstreamer plugins on Microsoft Windows 8.1?

Tim Müller
On Thu, 2015-08-20 at 08:48 -0700, Giacomo D wrote:

Hi Giacomo,

> I have downloaded
> and installed it on my PC with Microsoft Windows 8.1.
> Now, when I run my test (on Ubuntu) application I get an error like this:
> self.v4lsrc1.set_property("device", "/dev/video0")
> AttributeError: "NoneType" object has no attribute set_property
> Is it possible that I haven't installed base, ugly and bad gstreamer
> plugins? If yes, how I can do it?

I don't have the rest of your code for context, but my guess would be
that you tried to create a "v4l2src" element on Windows, and that
returned NULL, because v4l2 is a Linux/*nix-specific API and the element
doesn't exist on Windows.

"ksvideosrc" should exist on Windows.


Tim Müller, Centricular Ltd -

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Re: How can I install gstreamer plugins on Microsoft Windows 8.1?

Giacomo D
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Re: How can I install gstreamer plugins on Microsoft Windows 8.1?

In reply to this post by Giacomo D
Install Visual Studio 2015 Community (or greater) – Make sure to add prerequisites in the components dialog.
Install Python to C:\Python27. – Install for all users.
Install CMake. – Add CMake to the System Path for all users.
Install Wix.