How good is GStreamer for this FFMpeg scenario?

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How good is GStreamer for this FFMpeg scenario?


Hi Gtreamer ninjas,

I've been using FFMpeg to stream real-time video from an Opengl app using the following pipe:

cat <fifo> | ppmtoy4m -S 420jpeg  | ffmpeg -y -f yuv4mpegpipe -i - -f avi udp:

On the client side y use mplayer as follows:

mplayer -demuxer mpeg4es udp://@127.0.1:5000

This seems to be working nicely.

I want to work using rtp multicast though, which I'm not been able to make it work with this FFMpeg + Mplayer scenario.
GStreamer look more flexible that FFMpeg, so I want to give it a shoot. I've been strugling doing the most basics things, so maybe you guys can help me:

How I feed gst-launch with the "cat <fifo> | ppmtoy4m -S 420jpeg" pipe?
How I encode it to compressed video?
How I rtp-multicast it?
Haw I played it on the client side?

The challenge is doing this in real-time to achieve interactive response times.

Thank you very much for your help.