Looking for some advices for playing sequence of images with a sound track

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Looking for some advices for playing sequence of images with a sound track

Nicolas Bertrand-4
I develop a stop-motion tool : luciole. It takes snapshot from an
external device and allow play of taken snapshot. I use gstreamer for
making snapshot an play the movie.
I want to add the possibily of a playing a music or sound in the same
time the video is playing.
The input of the 'play' function is a sequence of image.

To mix a sound track in the play function. It is better to use an
audio-sink or use gnolin ?

I expect to implement also a 'seek' function, controlled by a scale bar
who allow to start the play at any time/frame.
For that function, what is in your the best gstreamer choice ?

N.B : the app is developed with python
Thanks in advance

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