Multiple Programs in a container format

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Multiple Programs in a container format

Daniel Laird



I am writing some gstreamer code to cope with a inout file that has multiple programs.

Currently what I do is the following:

Create filesrc and demux

Create N * queue and fakesink

I then connect filesrc -> demux

I then connect N times queueN -> fakesinkN


I then run demux for 5 seconds and every time on_pad_added is called I link pad->QueueN


This works fine.

I then destroy and start again:

Create filesrc and demux

Create Queue and MySink

Create Queue and MySink2

Create (N-2) * queue and fakesink


For playback I do a similar thing except that the first video and first audio pads are not linked to the (Queue->Fakesink) but to my (Queue->MySink)


This all sets up fine and starts fine with no errors, however all I get a a queue full and nothing happens.

Wierdly if I remove the queues that are connected to Fakesinks but not attached to the demux then it runs perfectly.


Does anyone have any code/advice on this issue?


Many thanks

Daniel Laird

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Re: Multiple Programs in a container format

Donny Viszneki
On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 11:55 AM, Daniel James Laird
<[hidden email]> wrote:
> I am writing some gstreamer code to cope with a inout file that has multiple
> programs.

Interesting situation. What is an "inout" file?

It sounds like you need a demuxer that supports program selection,
this way you aren't bothered by all this tedious mucking about with
trying to implement this feature by combining lots of other gstreamer


Open Source Business Conference (OSBC), March 24-25, 2009, San Francisco, CA
-OSBC tackles the biggest issue in open source: Open Sourcing the Enterprise
-Strategies to boost innovation and cut costs with open source participation
-Receive a $600 discount off the registration fee with the source code: SFAD
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