Muxing application/x-teletext into the mpegts-file

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Muxing application/x-teletext into the mpegts-file

alex varming

I'm trying to inject audio, video and teletext data into a mpegts-file using
an appsrc and a mpetgsmux element. When I open the generated mpegts file in
VLC or analyze it with ffprobe, the video and audio is working fine and the
teletext data is recognized as a dvb subtitle. However in VLC it won't be
displayed and ffprobe gives the message, that it is missing a start
timestamp. There isn't much information about how to set up the
application/x-teletext data for the mpegtsmux. Has anyone tried this before,
does the format type and the timing need to be declared in some specific

Any advice would be helpful

Kind regards


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Re: Muxing application/x-teletext into the mpegts-file

Hey Alex,

did you ever get your application working with application/x-teletext sink?

I agree, there is naff all information on how it done.
