New Gstreamer equalizer ranges

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New Gstreamer equalizer ranges

Adam Olsen-3
When the 10 band equalizer was in -bad, the possible values seemed to
be -1,1.  Now that it's in good, it's -24,12.  What's the best way to
convert presets that were created when the values were -1,1 ?


Adam Olsen

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Re: New Gstreamer equalizer ranges

Sebastian Dröge

Am Dienstag, den 26.02.2008, 07:35 -0700 schrieb Adam Olsen:
> When the 10 band equalizer was in -bad, the possible values seemed to
> be -1,1.  Now that it's in good, it's -24,12.  What's the best way to
> convert presets that were created when the values were -1,1 ?

There's no sane way to convert the -1,1 range to -24,12. It was,
internally, the same range before so you would need to map -1 to 24, 0
to 0 and 1 to 12 which probably won't give you the expected results.

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Re: New Gstreamer equalizer ranges

Sebastian Dröge

Am Donnerstag, den 28.02.2008, 11:33 -0700 schrieb Adam Olsen:
> On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 12:28 AM, Sebastian Dröge
> <[hidden email]> wrote:
> >  There's no sane way to convert the -1,1 range to -24,12. It was,
> >  internally, the same range before so you would need to map -1 to 24, 0
> >  to 0 and 1 to 12 which probably won't give you the expected results.
> >
> Why were the values -24,12 chosen?  Does it map to other music player ranges?

This range was chosen because it makes most sense. It maps to the amount
of dB the given frequency band is amplified (or attenuated) while the
-1,1 range didn't have any real meaning.

We've chose -24 as lower limit as there has to be some limit, it could
easily be extended to -100 or something. +12 was chosen as upper limit
because everything else will most likely give clipping and even +12
gives clipping in many situations already. There's no reason why these
ranges could be extended though

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