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Re: Newe

Tiago Katcipis
I think what you are looking at is the core reference, there you can see all the functions of all datatypes.

And yes you can stream audio from one PC to another, take a look at udpsrc and udpsink.

best regards,

On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 6:14 PM, Vicente Escandell Miguel <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hello everybody!!

I have recently discovered gstreamer and I'm amazed how many things it can do.

I'm currently studying computing, and in one of the subjects I am taking part this term we have been request to do a project about networks. I've decided that it could be a good idea to develop a kind of spotify and then is when I discovered gstream. Obviously my project would be open-source :)

I had read the documentation provided in the project website, but I am not able to find the API itself to know which calls gstreamer provides me. Can anyone tell me when I can find it???

Another thing I couldn't found is if it is possible using gstreamer to stream audio from one PC to another one, using for example the IP address of the recipient and the field to transfer, obviously this is too important jajaj :P

Thanks a lot to everybody

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