Problem freeing rtspsrc resources

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Problem freeing rtspsrc resources

Avishay Orpaz
I have a system that consumes video from an RTSP source, using the rtspsrc element. The source  may occasionally fail, so whenever I detect a failure, I'm trying to re-create the pipeline in a loop until the pipeline becomes live again. The problem is that apparently rtspsrc does not clean up completely. When running lsof on the program, I see more and more stream resources being consumed, until the point in which the operating system stops the whole program.

Here's a small snippet that recreates the problem:

import gi
gi.require_version('Gst', '1.0')
from gi.repository import Gst, GLib
import time

gpipe = None

def proc_message(bus, message):
    global gpipe
    if (message.type == Gst.MessageType.ERROR):
        gpipe = create_pipe()

def create_pipe():
    pipe = Gst.parse_launch('rtspsrc location=rtsp://localhost:1000 ! fakesink')
    pipe.get_bus().connect("message", proc_message)
    return pipe

gpipe = create_pipe();

The environment is Gstremer from git head (also tried released 1.16, same problem) on Ubuntu 18.04.


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