Qt gstreamer code works on one computer, but not on others

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Qt gstreamer code works on one computer, but not on others

What could be the causes?

I am using the similar code as in the following link.

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Re: Qt gstreamer code works on one computer, but not on others

Daniel Sperka
Lots of possible reasons. What do you mean "not on others"? 

Are the others same OS? Same version of Qt? Same version of gstreamer? Were they compiled on one machine and copied to the other, or compiled on each machine?

Need more info.


On Wed, Jan 20, 2021 at 3:43 PM joecfd <[hidden email]> wrote:
What could be the causes?

I am using the similar code as in the following link.

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Daniel J. Sperka, Ph. D.
UC Davis Center for Neuroscience

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Re: Qt gstreamer code works on one computer, but not on others

Same OS. Same version of Qt. Same version of Qt Gstreamer. The code is
compiled on a server and installed on other machines. Hardware is different.
But that can not be handled inside the code, right? I have other pipelines
which work on all machines. I am trying to use playbin to  play a video
    if ( !m_pipeline ) {
        m_pipeline = QGst::ElementFactory::make( "playbin" ).dynamicCast<
QGst::Pipeline >();

    if ( m_pipeline ) {
        QString url = QUrl::fromLocalFile( file_name ).toEncoded();
        m_pipeline->setProperty( "uri", url );
        m_pipeline->setProperty( "video-sink", m_sink );

this works fine on my computer, play, pause and stop. But there is not
display on other machines.

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Re: Qt gstreamer code works on one computer, but not on others

The code works fine now after I reinstalled the code and rebooted the
computer. I am not sure about what was the cause.
But a new problem shows up. There is not audio, I have to send audio stream
to a specific port. How to add this to the pipleline?

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