I've just released a new unstable version of Aravis, a LGPLv2+ gobject
based library for the acquisition of video streams from genicam based
digital camera.
http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/aravis/0.1/http://blogs.gnome.org/emmanuel/category/aravis/It includes:
* Support for gigabit ethernet cameras
* Support for a large subset of the Genicam interface
* A simple API for easy camera control
* A simple gstreamer source element
* A simple video viewer
* Gobject-introspection support
* An ethernet camera simulator
* A work-in-progress documentation
The changes since the last release are:
* Simple viewer based on ArvCamera API (requires gtk and gstreamer)
* Add a "new-buffer" signal to ArvStream
* Fix stream IP address setting for JAI Pulnix cameras (Tom Cobb)
* Fix use or Aravis from a C++ application (Tom Cobb)
* Fix division of integers in ArvEvaluator when asked for float result
(Tom Cobb)
* Add an API for retrieving the genicam data (Tom Cobb)
* Fix minimum offset of ROI (Tom Cobb)
* Fake camera can now simulate gain and exposure setting
http://live.gnome.org/AravisBug reports:
http://blogs.gnome.org/emmanuel/category/aravis/For the next release I will try to find a place for a mailing list
dedicated to aravis.
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