When is ''ssrc-on-collision'' called in GstRtpBin?

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When is ''ssrc-on-collision'' called in GstRtpBin?

I have a pipeline which recieves RTP packets

UdpSrc ---> GstRtpBin -->queue-->dec-->play

On the Sender side I fill the 'ssrc' in rtpPayload to a clientId '5000'.

The first time packets are transmitted the reciever side plays a new session and pad is created by gstrtpbin.

If I stop and start the sender side with same 'ssrc', I expected 'on-ssrc-collision' to be called so I can restart the pipeline to recieve new Data from same client, but this never happens.

Hence can you help.how I should handle duplicate 'ssrc'?
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Re: When is ''ssrc-on-collision'' called in GstRtpBin?

Wim Taymans
On 05/29/2012 11:06 AM, tanmay.ambre wrote:

> I have a pipeline which recieves RTP packets
> UdpSrc --->  GstRtpBin -->queue-->dec-->play
> On the Sender side I fill the 'ssrc' in rtpPayload to a clientId '5000'.
> The first time packets are transmitted the reciever side plays a new session
> and pad is created by gstrtpbin.
> If I stop and start the sender side with same 'ssrc', I expected
> 'on-ssrc-collision' to be called so I can restart the pipeline to recieve
> new Data from same client, but this never happens.
> Hence can you help.how I should handle duplicate 'ssrc'?
The duplicate SSRC is only signaled if the same SSRC is coming from a
IP address. I guess you restart the sender on the same machine so you
don't get
a collision.


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> View this message in context: http://gstreamer-devel.966125.n4.nabble.com/When-is-ssrc-on-collision-called-in-GstRtpBin-tp4655128.html
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Re: When is ''ssrc-on-collision'' called in GstRtpBin?

Yes, I restart the sender side in case there is a an error in application
Is there any work around or another signal I can use to detect collision from same IP?
