adding queue to video rtp pipeline breaks video playback in presence of network jitter

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adding queue to video rtp pipeline breaks video playback in presence of network jitter

Tristan Matthews-2
All the files for the testcase I'm describing are available here:

videosender.c encodes video in mpeg4 and sends it over rtp (with rtcp) to a host specified as an argument. videoreceiver.c receives it, again taking the hostname of the videosender host as an argument. This works fine under LAN conditions. However in the presence of a slight amount of network jitter, video playback becomes extremely stuttery/blocky. These conditions can be reproduced by running the script badnet on the sending machine, which uses the traffic shaping module netem ( to simulate 5ms delay and 0.1 ms of jitter (with 25% variance).

I noticed that if I remove the queue element from my pipeline in videoreceiver.c, playback is normal. I was under the impression that it was good practice to have a queue (of 3 buffers) after your video decoder in such a setup. Any tips? I made this test case because we (in Montreal) we're streaming video to a site in Barcelona over a reliable research network and noticed this problem. I'm not sure if it's an issue with rtpbin, or not or if it's advisable to remove the queue.


Tristan Matthews
email: [hidden email]

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