does queue2 only save temp file for certain formats of media streaming ?

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does queue2 only save temp file for certain formats of media streaming ?

I tried to save http streaming content to a local file.
i did the following:
 - set the 'download' FLAG(0x80) in playbin2
 - set uri of the playbin2 to some HTTP streaming source
 - hooked a callback to playbin2's "deep-notify::temp-location" signal. the callback does nothing but print the property "temp-location" of that playbin2
 - start playbin2
i expected my callback being invoked and telling me what the temp file is.

the result is that only certain file formats(mp4..) would issue the "deep-notify::temp-location" signal, hence, a temp file is created.  some others(wmv, ogv..) wouldn't.  On further checking queue2(gstreamer-0.10.28) it seems to me that a temp file is only created if it is in pull mode.

so is my experiment result expected ?
did i missing something that queue2 only works on certain formats ?

attached is my test file,
to build it:
gcc -o pp save-test.c -g `pkg-config --cflags --libs gstreamer-base-0.10 gobject-2.0`

to run it:
./a.out http://some.uri/test.mp4


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