extra translations

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extra translations

Jan Schmidt-6
Benno of the Translation Project pointed out that I missed adding a
couple of translations to the LINGUAS file when making the pre-releases.
I've added them now, so they'll be in the next tarball.

While I was at it though, I noticed that we already have some
translations in CVS that aren't  in the LINGUAS file, and don't exist in
the Translation Project. Since I don't actually know more than the bare
minimum about our translation setup, I'm hoping someone can let me know
what needs doing.

The errant translations are:

fr & ja in -good: Exist in CVS, but not in the TP nor in LINGUAS
ca & fr in -bad: Exist in CVS, but not in the TP nor in LINGUAS

af az & or in -ugly: Exist in CVS and in the LINGUAS, but not in the TP
ca & fr in -ugly: Exist in CVS, but not in the TP nor in LINGUAS

Advice appreciated :)


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Re: extra translations

Thomas Vander Stichele

On Sun, 2008-02-10 at 01:01 +0000, Jan Schmidt wrote:

> Benno of the Translation Project pointed out that I missed adding a
> couple of translations to the LINGUAS file when making the pre-releases.
> I've added them now, so they'll be in the next tarball.
> While I was at it though, I noticed that we already have some
> translations in CVS that aren't  in the LINGUAS file, and don't exist in
> the Translation Project. Since I don't actually know more than the bare
> minimum about our translation setup, I'm hoping someone can let me know
> what needs doing.
> The errant translations are:
> fr & ja in -good: Exist in CVS, but not in the TP nor in LINGUAS
> ca & fr in -bad: Exist in CVS, but not in the TP nor in LINGUAS
> af az & or in -ugly: Exist in CVS and in the LINGUAS, but not in the TP
> ca & fr in -ugly: Exist in CVS, but not in the TP nor in LINGUAS
> Advice appreciated :)

I guess someone would need to figure out first where they come from.  I
am going to *guess* that they got submitted outside of the TP, which is
something I've personally never accepted, even though I upset people
with it in the past.

So yeah, check dates and commit messages and commiters then take it from

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savon - Saving your work to svn

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