fdsrc for win32

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fdsrc for win32

  I use windows XP and the last CVS version of gstreamer. I need to make named pipe the source for my pipeline (another process is reading data from USB device and sending it to my named pipe) - I thought that I could use fdsrc for it, but today I found out that gstreamer for windows does not have fdsrc. Is there anything that I can use instead of fdsrc?


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Re: fdsrc for win32


How did you compile gstreamer on windows. Using mingw?


tyggrysio wrote:

> hi,
>   I use windows XP and the last CVS version of gstreamer. I need to
> make named pipe the source for my pipeline (another process is reading
> data from USB device and sending it to my named pipe) - I thought that
> I could use fdsrc for it, but today I found out that gstreamer for
> windows does not have fdsrc. Is there anything that I can use instead
> of fdsrc?
> Monika
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