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glibc detected double free or corruption! "Embedded System"

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glibc detected double free or corruption! "Embedded System"

Tarek El-Sherbiny
14 posts
My platform is Freescale i.MX6 with ARM processor. I'm using Gstreamer to play live mpeg video received from IP camera. I'm using appsrc element to inject video packets into the decoder. However decoder element was unable to recognize the stream type on it's own so I had to insert a typefind element between appsrc and vdecoder.
This is the GST pipeline I've constructed:
app-source -> typefinder -> vdecoder -> v4lsink-sink
From my debugging appsrc and typefinder are working fine. Typefinder can recognize the stream after pushing few packets and attempt to connect to vdecode.
I'm printing the following message from type found callback:
"Media type video/mpeg, systemstream=(boolean)false, mpegversion=(int)4, parsed=(boolean)false found, probability 40%"
Then the application dies after outputting this error message:
*** glibc detected *** /home/root/console: double free or corruption (!prev): 0x3358d0f0 ***

Can someone please give some guidance on how to debug this problem?


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Re: glibc detected double free or corruption! "Embedded System"

Nicolas Dufresne
104 posts
Le vendredi 07 décembre 2012 à 14:49 +0000, Tarek El-Sherbiny a écrit :
> Can someone please give some guidance on how to debug this problem?

This mean you are freeing twice the same memory. It could also mean you
are freeing random memory. You can use the gdb or valgrind to help.


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Re: glibc detected double free or corruption! "Embedded System"

Tarek El-Sherbiny
14 posts
Is this a gstreamer freeing problem or could be something not related to gstreamer?

In other words I'm using ffmpeg, SDL  and other stuff.

Do I limit my debugging to g_free() calls or all free calls?


On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 4:13 PM, Nicolas Dufresne <[hidden email]> wrote:
Le vendredi 07 décembre 2012 à 14:49 +0000, Tarek El-Sherbiny a écrit :
> Can someone please give some guidance on how to debug this problem?

This mean you are freeing twice the same memory. It could also mean you
are freeing random memory. You can use the gdb or valgrind to help.


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Re[2]: glibc detected double free or corruption! "Embedded System"

Kyrylo V Polezhaiev
44 posts
Yes, this caused by g_free call.

--- Original message ---
From: "Tarek El-Sherbiny" <[hidden email]>
To: "Discussion of the development of and with GStreamer" <[hidden email]>
Date: 7 December 2012, 19:48:23
Subject: Re: glibc detected double free or corruption! "Embedded System"

Is this a gstreamer freeing problem or could be something not related to gstreamer?

In other words I'm using ffmpeg, SDL  and other stuff.

Do I limit my debugging to g_free() calls or all free calls?


On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 4:13 PM, Nicolas Dufresne <[hidden email]> wrote:
Le vendredi 07 dcembre 2012 14:49 +0000, Tarek El-Sherbiny a crit :
> Can someone please give some guidance on how to debug this problem?

This mean you are freeing twice the same memory. It could also mean you
are freeing random memory. You can use the gdb or valgrind to help.


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