help: Having problem live video capured by webcam on Qt`s widget

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help: Having problem live video capured by webcam on Qt`s widget

shailesh mali-2
Hi friends,
I am having problem in displaying live video on Qt`s QWideget.
I have idea about gst_xoverlay function and we need to pass id of X window to this function to
do this. But I am not able to do this. Do anyone know how to do this?

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Re: help: Having problem live video capured by webcam on Qt`s widget

Julien Isorce

Here 3 examples:

(note that those examples are using both qtmainloop and glibmainloop)

(If you do not want to use glibmainloop inside qt code see :
but I never tested )

Julien Isorce

2009/2/3 shailesh mali <[hidden email]>
Hi friends,
I am having problem in displaying live video on Qt`s QWideget.
I have idea about gst_xoverlay function and we need to pass id of X window to this function to
do this. But I am not able to do this. Do anyone know how to do this?

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