I'm parsing a mpeg4 file(generated with gstreamer mp4mux), through
references it should look, like this parser do:
http://code.google.com/p/jcodec/source/browse/trunk/src/main/java/org/jcodec/containers/mp4/boxes/AudioSampleEntryBox.java?r=50but my file is looking like:
b - box length
f - full box fields
s - Sample Description Box fields
|b|b|b|b|s|t|s|d|f|f|f|f|s|s|s|s| should be six bytes reserved 0 from
Sample Entry(ISO doc), but is: |0|0|0|136|a|v|c|1|
The ISO and Apple docs describe the parser mentioned above way.
Can send the file per email, can somebody please explain this issue?
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