network clock sync between devices

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network clock sync between devices

Hi, currently I`m facing issue to sync clock between device. in below case is it possible to share clock between devices


I`ve uploaded the picture, because it gives clear information what I`m taking about.

so from the picture, i want to sink gstreamer network clock from device one to device 2. I`ve tried gstreamer network clock api to share clock between devices seems clocks are printing synced but video is not synchronized.

on device 1 it displays raw frames so it will be faster as device 2 date invloes encode, network and decode latency. so I`m planning to sync device 1 with device 2 clock.

so here on device 1 pipeline 2 can go and come back anytime while device 2 is watching the same video.

and simillarly device 2 can go and come anytime while device 1 watching the video.

so the issue here is while device 1 is playing video after few minutes device 2 request the data then rtsp sends the frames which will start from 0 seconds even thiugh actuall framtime is different becuase device 1 is playing video from sometime back.

in this case can we sync the clocks?

or any other mechanism can be used to sync video on device 1 and device 2.
