rtph264pay absorbs GstMeta API buffers

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rtph264pay absorbs GstMeta API buffers


I have an implemented of GstMeta API.  I attach my GstMeta when the data is entering the rtph264pay (Sink) via a data probe, then I try to inspect the same meta while leaving the rtph264pay (Src) but the meta always seem to null.

And because of the MTU of 1500 bytes, one frame (whether key or delta frame) might actually correspond to multiple RTP packets, hence I use gst_rtp_buffer_get_marker(&rtpbuff) to detect the the frame boundary and it is here that I should add my meta as RTP header except that my meta are always null when I try I get them from GstBuffer.

Any idea why I can't retrieve my meta from GstBuffer after leaving the rtph264pay?