sending raw video frames - winxp

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sending raw video frames - winxp

xavier grasa
Hi all,

I'm trying to send raw video frames using udp between 2 PCs in a LAN. The
sender machine is a Windows XP, whilst the receiver is a Linux system.
I've already tested several choices based on rtp, but to no avail. ¿Is
there any raw video rtp payloader, like rtpL16pay for raw audio?

It seems that several encoders and payloaders are not present in the
lastest OABuild windows gstreamer packages. Besides, other convenient
solutions like gdppay/gdpdepay are missing as well. So, ¿has anyone ever
tried to send raw video frames with gstreamer under WinXP? ¿which
filters-pipeline did you use?

Thanks for your time,


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