video recording use case

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video recording use case

Sudarshan Bisht
Hi ,
      I am working on a  video recording use case , for that i am using pipeline in following manner :
v4lsrc ----> ffenc_h263---->
                                         ffmux_3gp ---> filesink
alsasrc---> amrnbenc----->
When i try this thing on LINUX PC it works fine and i get 3gp file which has audio-video sync, but when i try same thing on my target board( which has ARM 9) i dont get the output 3gp file correct and during recording i get some errors like " can not record  audio fast enough , dropping sampes  " . 
Is this my target board capability problem or there gstreamer plugins are not that optimized .
Can anybody suggest me any solution for this .


Sudarshan Bisht

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Re: video recording use case

Stefan Sauer

sudarshan bisht schrieb:

> Hi ,
>       I am working on a  video recording use case , for that i am using
> pipeline in following manner :
> v4lsrc ----> ffenc_h263---->
>                                          ffmux_3gp ---> filesink
> alsasrc---> amrnbenc----->
> When i try this thing on LINUX PC it works fine and i get 3gp file which
> has audio-video sync, but when i try same thing on my target board(
> which has ARM 9) i dont get the output 3gp file correct and during
> recording i get some errors like " can not record  audio fast enough ,
> dropping sampes  " .
> Is this my target board capability problem or there gstreamer plugins
> are not that optimized.

Both. Arm9 is not exactly fast and the generic elements are not optimized for
arm. Most of them use plain C. On the embedded side you definitely want to use
optimized codecs to some extend.


> Can anybody suggest me any solution for this .
> --
> Regards,
> Sudarshan Bisht
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