On 29.01.2011 13:07, Thomas Loewe wrote:
> since I use the videomixer to implement picture in picture the horizontal
> positioning of subtitles via dvbsuboverlay is incorrect when putting it
> behind the videomixer.
> For example: the video resolution is 720x576 in 16:9 and videomixer makes it
> 1024x576 (768x576 in 4:3). Subtitles are shown on the left and not centered
> because it uses 720 instead 1024.
> The position is of course correct when putting it before the videomixer, but
> then the subtitles are overlayd by the pip.
> Is this a bug?
Depends on the sample aspect ratio of the subtitles. In which case do
the subtitles look correct?
Can you make a sample available?
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