You have multiple options, as documented on
https://thiblahute.pages.gitlab.gnome.org/gnome-devel-docs/rsvg-1.0/rsvgoverlay.htmlYou can either set the data property of the rsvgoverlay element to the
SVG code you want to display (for dynamically generated svg), or set
the location property to the filename of the svg file you want to
display. You can also feed the svg data to the data_sink pad.
I join a python example, where a dynamically generated svg is updated
every second.
On Fri, 2020-05-22 at 19:08 +0530, Ravi Modha wrote:
> Hello All,
> I am a newbie in the GStreamer and I have a requirement to use rsvgoverlay but I am getting an example of how to send SVG data at the runtime in the pipeline.
> Can someone help me or give me an example of it, please.
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