Summer of Code Idea: P2P Streaming System

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Summer of Code Idea: P2P Streaming System

Manuel Alejandro Cerón Estrada-2

I want to participate in the Google Summer of Code this year. I have
an Idea, but I'm not sure which mentoring organization would be the
most appropriate. I would like to ask you what do you thing about this
project and if you think is suited for GStreamer.

I want to develop a streaming media system based on a peer-to-peer
network. The motivation is to solve the problem of high bandwidth
usage in current unicast media streaming servers based on a
client-server architecture. Using a P2P network, where every node is
both a server and a client is possible to distribute the bandwidth
usage among the whole network. This approach is already used by file
distribution systems like Bittorrent. I want to adapt the same idea
for a live content media streaming system.

Currently, there are various P2P media streaming systems. Only few of
them are open source, but they are based on simple, inefficient, tree
topology. I want to build a system based on mesh topology and
swarming. There are various recent papers with architecture proposals
for this.

I'm working on this topic for my theses/graduation project. In my
project I will work with simulations, but I thought that it would be
great if I could implement a real system and test it. Summer of Code
is a great opportunity for this, I participated the last year and I
had a lot of fun. If you're interested I can show you the  project
proposal I send to my University, It's in Spanish, but I can translate
it. It details the current state of the art of p2p streaming systems
as well as architecture proposals for new systems.

For this project, I want to use GStreamer, Python,  C (if necessary)
and Twisted. This tools are the same used by Flumotion, maybe I can
work with that project in some way.

Thanks in advance for your comments.

Manuel Alejandro Cerón Estrada

Apps built with the Adobe(R) Flex(R) framework and Flex Builder(TM) are
powering Web 2.0 with engaging, cross-platform capabilities. Quickly and
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Re: Summer of Code Idea: P2P Streaming System

ting zhao

2009/3/19 Manuel Alejandro Cerón Estrada <[hidden email]>

I want to participate in the Google Summer of Code this year. I have
an Idea, but I'm not sure which mentoring organization would be the
most appropriate. I would like to ask you what do you thing about this
project and if you think is suited for GStreamer.

I want to develop a streaming media system based on a peer-to-peer
network. The motivation is to solve the problem of high bandwidth
usage in current unicast media streaming servers based on a
client-server architecture. Using a P2P network, where every node is
both a server and a client is possible to distribute the bandwidth
usage among the whole network. This approach is already used by file
distribution systems like Bittorrent. I want to adapt the same idea
for a live content media streaming system.

Currently, there are various P2P media streaming systems. Only few of
them are open source, but they are based on simple, inefficient, tree
topology. I want to build a system based on mesh topology and
swarming. There are various recent papers with architecture proposals
for this.

I'm working on this topic for my theses/graduation project. In my
project I will work with simulations, but I thought that it would be
great if I could implement a real system and test it. Summer of Code
is a great opportunity for this, I participated the last year and I
had a lot of fun. If you're interested I can show you the  project
proposal I send to my University, It's in Spanish, but I can translate
it. It details the current state of the art of p2p streaming systems
as well as architecture proposals for new systems.

For this project, I want to use GStreamer, Python,  C (if necessary)
and Twisted. This tools are the same used by Flumotion, maybe I can
work with that project in some way.

Thanks in advance for your comments.


Fantastic idea.
however, it seems that writing a P2P system by two bare hands in the summer is not a easy task.
The core of P2P streaming system is the overlay network and data schedule algorithm, so use NS2/3 to make a simulation is also an operational way.

as to me, since I am farmilar with TS and PS format, I want to write a plugin for Gstreamer in this summer, and I am reading the plugin write guide.
Looking forward any potential mentor give some suggestion.

zhao ting
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Re: Summer of Code Idea: P2P Streaming System

Thomas Vander Stichele
In reply to this post by Manuel Alejandro Cerón Estrada-2
> I want to participate in the Google Summer of Code this year. I have
> an Idea, but I'm not sure which mentoring organization would be the
> most appropriate. I would like to ask you what do you thing about this
> project and if you think is suited for GStreamer.

> For this project, I want to use GStreamer, Python,  C (if necessary)
> and Twisted. This tools are the same used by Flumotion, maybe I can
> work with that project in some way.

Hi Manuel,

sounds like a great idea! I am also one of the people working on
Flumotion, so feel free to contact me to see how we can work together on
this.  I'd be interested in mentoring this or finding you a mentor here.


Buffy ...
If I wanted to fight, you could tell
by the being dead already
URGent, best radio on the net - 24/7 !

Apps built with the Adobe(R) Flex(R) framework and Flex Builder(TM) are
powering Web 2.0 with engaging, cross-platform capabilities. Quickly and
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gstreamer-devel mailing list
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Re: Summer of Code Idea: P2P Streaming System

Manuel Alejandro Cerón Estrada-2
Hello Thomas.

Thank you for your answer. Is good to see that someone would be
interesting in being my mentor. I'm working on a draft of my proposal.
I believe the key for this project is to have feasible objectives.
I'll send you the draft as soon as I have it.


2009/3/20 Thomas Vander Stichele <[hidden email]>:

>> I want to participate in the Google Summer of Code this year. I have
>> an Idea, but I'm not sure which mentoring organization would be the
>> most appropriate. I would like to ask you what do you thing about this
>> project and if you think is suited for GStreamer.
>> For this project, I want to use GStreamer, Python,  C (if necessary)
>> and Twisted. This tools are the same used by Flumotion, maybe I can
>> work with that project in some way.
> Hi Manuel,
> sounds like a great idea! I am also one of the people working on
> Flumotion, so feel free to contact me to see how we can work together on
> this.  I'd be interested in mentoring this or finding you a mentor here.
> Thomas
> --
> Buffy ...
> If I wanted to fight, you could tell
> by the being dead already
> --
> URGent, best radio on the net - 24/7 !
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Apps built with the Adobe(R) Flex(R) framework and Flex Builder(TM) are
> powering Web 2.0 with engaging, cross-platform capabilities. Quickly and
> easily build your RIAs with Flex Builder, the Eclipse(TM)based development
> software that enables intelligent coding and step-through debugging.
> Download the free 60 day trial.
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Manuel Alejandro Cerón Estrada

Apps built with the Adobe(R) Flex(R) framework and Flex Builder(TM) are
powering Web 2.0 with engaging, cross-platform capabilities. Quickly and
easily build your RIAs with Flex Builder, the Eclipse(TM)based development
software that enables intelligent coding and step-through debugging.
Download the free 60 day trial.
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