On Tue, 2011-01-25 at 09:06 -0800, Thomas Loewe wrote:
> have a strange problem with the 0.10.32 release: it causes high cpu-load
> here (i7 clocks to 2400MHz/15% load instead 933MHz/5% like before).
> Replacing the libgstreamer-0.10.dll with the one from 0.10.31 and the
> problem is gone.
> Next thing is the deinterlacer: it can not longer switched on/off via the
> "mode" property (nothing happens). This problem is also fixed with replacing
> the dll.
> Can anyone confirm this or have an idea what the problem could be?
Could you file (separate) bugs for these things please, so we can
investigate them? Some more details on how to reproduce both cases (esp.
the first) would be nice. Thanks!
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