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why doesn't qtmux support byte-stream encoding for h264?

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why doesn't qtmux support byte-stream encoding for h264?

5 posts
I want to use my own h264 encoder plugin for the existing camera applications.
The problem is it is only able to encode in byte-stream format and not avc.
I am using Camerabin2, which in turn uses qtmux.

I see that the qtmux does not support byte-stream encoding for h264.
Is there a specific reason for this?
Is there a plan to add that support in future? I can see that qtmux in gst 1.0 also doesn't support byte-stream.

I know that we can set file_type on Camerabin2, but is there any other way to tell it to use ffmux_mp4 instead? 
Since ffmux_mp4 does work with byte-stream format.

Appreciate any help. 


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Re: why doesn't qtmux support byte-stream encoding for h264?

Tim-Philipp Müller-2
1762 posts
On Fri, 2012-11-23 at 18:45 +0530, Rahool Paliwal wrote:


> I want to use my own h264 encoder plugin for the existing camera
> applications.
> The problem is it is only able to encode in byte-stream format and not
> avc. I am using Camerabin2, which in turn uses qtmux.
> I see that the qtmux does not support byte-stream encoding for h264.
> Is there a specific reason for this?

Yes, the reason is that data in the quicktime container is stored as AVC
and not as byte-stream.

> Is there a plan to add that support in future? I can see that qtmux in
> gst 1.0 also doesn't support byte-stream.

No, there is no such plan. The solution is to put an h264parse element
between the encoder and in front of the muxer, which should then convert
byte-stream to avc if needed. I *think* in 1.0 encodebin plugs parsers
now, so you might find it actually works with 1.0 already.


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Re: why doesn't qtmux support byte-stream encoding for h264?

5 posts
Thanks Tim.
I am using byte-stream format and then giving it h264parse before qtmux in my own app.
Its working for me so I hope it will work with camerabin2 also.

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Gstreamer and windows

Federico Zamperini
52 posts
In reply to this post by rahoolpaliwal
        I am experiencing problems using gstreamer on windows; the tutorials
work fine, but gst_init() hangs in a windows-based app (using win32 API
or wxWidgets); the cpu is 0%, the debugger can't interrupt the process.
Did anyone experienced the same kind of problem?
Is gstreamer meant to only work with GTK?

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RE: Gstreamer and windows

David  Hoyt
11 posts
> gst_init() hangs in a windows-based app (using win32 API or wxWidgets);

Did you build this yourself? Are you using cerbero? As a first step, be sure and delete your registry file from your home directory (C:\Users\<username>\.gstreamer-0.10(or .gstreamer-1.0)\registry.<architecture>.bin and re-run.

> Is gstreamer meant to only work with GTK?

Nope -- there's a wide variety of toolkits, platforms, and frameworks that can make use of GStreamer. Off the top of my head, SDL, Java (Swing, SWT, etc.), .NET (WPF, WinForms, etc.), GTK, some browsers (e.g. Opera) can use it for HTML 5 video rendering, and there's many more. It has zero dependencies on GTK -- there are some shared dependencies such as glib, but that's it.

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